Saturday, August 15, 2009


Wow! I can't believe how the time has flown! I just had my last day at work (hectic, but I expected that) and now I'm only 3 days away from surgery!

My mom and my sister are coming up from Pennsylvania tomorrow for moral support. I'm so excited and so are they. They know how long I've been struggling with my weight. Plus, they've promised to buy me a whole new wardrobe once I've lost the weight. Frankly, however, I'm having a hard time even imagining what that would be like. After a lifetime of shopping in plus sizes, to think that I might be able to wear a size 12, 10, or even (dare I dream?) an 8? It seems unreal, but I've been finding myself looking at clothes in those sizes and wondering what I would choose if (when) I get down to that size.

Actually, I'm more concerned with toning myself up as the weight comes off. I really want to minimize the need for plastic surgery to remove loose skin due to sudden weight loss. That's why I'm glad I belong to a gym. My son, who is also very supportive of me, has promised to drive me to there those first few weeks when I can't drive myself. I won't be able to do much more than
walk on the treadmill, but I know it will help me heal faster.

Today, though, I have a lot of errands and housework to get done before I'm laid up. The countdown continues!!

Funny extra:

I have a weird sense of humor, which is why I just love this!
I am such a Star Wars geek!

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